Before you will be allowed to handle or use firearms with us or any other club you will be required to sign a declaration that your are not a ‘Prohibited Person’ under Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968, see below.

At present we are going to be training four new members so there is a temporary halt to recruiting new members. (10th Nov 2016)

Capture application process

We like all shooting Clubs are always on the look out for people who have the ability to hit the same place more than once, but if you can’t that’s not a problem either, because you will be no different than the rest of us, but hopefully you’ll keep coming back to practice until you can.

If you are interested in joining us as a probationer and feel that you are able to meet the stringent criteria set down by the home office * for the ownership of a firearm, we would like to meet you.

If you already hold a firearm certificate, life is a lot easier and again we are interested in meeting you, remembering the old adage “practice makes perfect”.

Please e-mail both the completed forms below to: –

Declaration under Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968


* see links page for details